Assistive Technology for Visually Impaired: OrCam Launches Assistive Tech in Canada & Toronto Headquarters
2016-06-21 | By Orcam Staff

OrCam is excited to announce the launch of the OrCam MyEye assistive technology device in Canada as well as the opening of our Toronto headquarters.
Closely following our market entry into the UK, we have featured the OrCam MyEye assistive technology for the visually impaired at conferences and events throughout Canada, including Seeing Beyond the Horizon in Vancouver, British Columbia, The Lions Club Convention in Regina, Saskatchewan, the Accessibility Conference in Guelph, Ontario, and the CNIB Technology and Information Day in York, Ontario. We received an enthusiastic response from attendees throughout these events.
Since our launch in Canada, Frank Hackett, Canada Sales Manager, has held demo days throughout Ontario in partnership with the Canadian Council for the Blind (CCB) and the Canadian National Institute for the Blind (CNIB). The demo days allowed those who are visually impaired or blind to experience the OrCam device for themselves. Additional demo days are scheduled throughout Canada for this coming summer and fall.
The Canadian media has taken interest in OrCam, with AMI-télé airing coverage of the assistive technology for the visually impaired in Ottawa as well as Montreal in late June.
OrCam is accredited by Health Canada and recently entered into a product assessment trial with the Canadian Federal Government. We are working closely with the Assisted Devices Assessment Team in Gatineau, Quebec to assess OrCam MyEye and determine possible distribution for employees throughout all departments in Canada.
To raise awareness in Canada, we held our first training session for new OrCam sales representatives and trainers. In addition, we now have two Low Vision specialists offering OrCam devices in their practices.
“We are honored and enthusiastic to offer OrCam MyEye, our highly advanced assistive technology for the visually impaired, to the estimated million Canadians throughout the country who are living with significant vision loss,” said Frank Hackett, Sales Manager. “We we will continue to grow and help more people regain their independence.”
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