Supporting individuals in the workplace through ATW

For People With Reading and Learning Challenges

OrCam Learn is a game-changing solution to reading that empowers people in the workplace with reading and learning challenges. The OrCam Learn ATW enables employees to easily capture and read any text. Use it anytime and anywhere, for a rewarding reading experience

Our Features

"Hey OrCam" Voice Activation - Simply speak an

intuitive voice command to activate a feature, or to

access a device setting


"Hey OrCam"

Activate features with

vocal commands


Word Spacing

As well the reading speed & time (gap)

between spoken words.


Works Offline For Data Privacy

Doesn't require an Internet connection

and provides data security


Full Page Capture

Capture full pages of printed and digital text

from any surface


Read On Any Surface

Works on both printed and on-screen text

(e.g., books, exam papers, laptop screen,

tablets, etc.)


Bluetooth For Complete Privacy

Connect to Bluetooth headphones

enabling a discreet reading experience

What is ATW?

Access to Work (ATW) is a government-funded scheme run by Job Centre Plus and may provide a grant for unique solutions to support visually impaired or dyslexic employees in the workplace.

An Access to Work grant can pay for practical support to help you:

✔ Start working

✔ Stay in work

✔ Move into self-employment or start a business

How much you get depends on your circumstances. The money does not have to be paid back and will not affect your other benefits.

How can OrCam Learn

ATW help me?

Access to Work can help pay for support you may need because of your disability or long term health condition.

Receive OrCam Learn ATW as an aid in your workplace:

Read documents with ease: Use OrCam Learn ATW to read documents, reports or memos aloud and easily understand written material.

Access digital information: OrCam Learn can be used to read text displayed on a computer or phone screen, creating quick access to emails, websites and more.

Work at your own pace: While OrCam Learn ATW reads your text aloud, you can control the reading speed and have the option to take notes while listening to the information.

Who is Eligible?

To receive support from Access to Work you must have a disability or health condition that means you need an aid, adaptation or financial or human support to do a job. You can apply for Access to Work if you:

➣ Are normally resident in, and working in, Great Britain

➣ Have a disability or long term health condition that means you need an aid, adaptation or financial or human support to do your job (long term means lasting or likely to last for at least 12 months)

➣ Have a mental health condition and need support in work

➣ Are aged 16 or over